Motivation and inspiration can often be hard to find. Here's a few ideas to make working out a bit more enjoyable:
1. Do something you love
Finding the type of exercise that you find enjoyable and exciting. Don't run on a treadmill for 20 minutes if you hate it, instead find a sport that suits you. Dancing, swimming, netball or even adventure sports such as kayaking work just as well, even better if they make it a bit easier to get out of bed in the morning.
2. Work out in a way that works for you
With busy schedules and sometimes limited resources, it can be hard finding the time or place to exercise. Finding the time can be tricky, but there's always space in a timetable, even if it means going for a walk during a lunch break. Utilise local resources to exercise, don't try and get to a gym if the closest one is an hour away. Instead, use what's close by; walking or bike tracks, tennis courts, pools, footy ovals, hills and steps for example.
3. Do it with others
It's much easier finding motivation when doing it with others. Not only will it encourage you to turn up to your commitments, but you also have the support and encouragement you may need to improve. Even informing others about your fitness goals and commitments helps spur you on, involving friends, family or workmates pushes you further.
4. Find a routine
If you're a creature of habit like myself, completing exercise regularly at a predictable time of day makes life simpler. This way you know that you're getting up early for a run, you can expect it and therefore it becomes almost second nature, another habit, just like your morning coffee.
5. Set reminders and be ready
Put on an alarm, leave your runners at the front door, sleep in your exercise gear if you have too. Organising your things the night before not only will you prevent you from forgetting about your work out commitments, but it also reduces preparation- no time to back out now!
6. Exercise in everyday activities
While finding at least 30 minutes a day to exercise can sometimes be a challenge, plenty of opportunities may exist for short bursts of sweat. Things like taking the stairs rather than the elevator, or leaving the car at home and walking to the shops instead are great ways of incorporating exercise into your daily routine.
7. Mix it up
Don't do the exact same ting everyday, it becomes rather dull. Instead alternate sports, try something new or change your run course/direction, keep things interesting.
8. Limit slothing around
Try and limit sedentary behaviour to less than 2 hours a day. This includes things like watching TV and playing computer games. However note that it doesn't include desk and computer work or study, nor sleep time.
9. Challenge yourself
Set realistic goals to aim for, but don’t make it too easy! This way you have something to work for, something that you can achievable. Keep a record of this goal and your document your progress, this way overtime improvement is visible, there’s nothing more rewarding then being able to see your fitness or even weight development!
10. And of course... pump up songs!!
Nothing makes running more epic then a bit of chariots of fire blasting in your ears. Check out my playlist for some great work out tunes!
MissMarie xxo
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